Announcement on Donation Accounts of The Ministry of Civil Affairs

Published time:2008-05-18

In regard to donation accounts, the Ministry of Civil Affairs herein announced that CCB to be the designated bank to open accounts for donation of money in RMB. This message was reiterated by China Central Television (CCTV) during nationwide broadcasting of the volunteer show for relief to Sichuan that CCB is trusted with bank accounts opening for donation.


To facilitate the acceptance of money donation from customers, CCB has set up relevant branches, online banking and mobile phone banking to handle your donation. Details of opening bank accounts concerned are as followed:

1.        The Ministry of Civil Affairs accepts social donation in RMB through the following bank account:

Account No.: 11001007400058224610

Name of Account Holder:  i.e. The Ministry of Civil Affairs - Specified account for remittance


Handling Bank: Sales department of the fourth branch of CCB in Beijing East

2.        Important Notice

Customers forwarding donation through CCB online banking and mobile phone banking services would please note that for the name of account holder, the hyphen between “The Ministry of Civil Affairs” and “Specified account for remitteance” and is represented by the hyphen “-” in the half character entry format which can be entered by the minus sign on the key pad. If you are not sure whether the entry is made in the half character entry format, you can switch to enter that hyphen through English input since majority of English input in PC is made by half character entry format. As for mobile phones, donors may enter the hyphen “-” for name of account holder by English input.


In case you enter the dash “──” by Chinese input or enter the dash “” in the full character entry format, the system will inform you that the collecting account is not identical with name of the account holder above.


You are welcome to call the 24-hr customer service hotline at 95533 for any enquiry.

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