CCB Long Card Won 8 Awards

Published time:2005-03-03
Business enjoyed a sound and rapid growth.
 Products competitiveness was improved dramatically.
CCB Long Debit Card and Long Credit Card were awarded 8 awards by China Union Pay and international credit card organizations respectively. 
Recently, China Union Pay granted China Construction Bank (CCB) the ‘Best Promotion Institution of Union Pay Standard Card for 2004’ and the ‘Best Promotion Institution of Cross-Bank Transaction for 2004’ to honor CCB’s achievements in the promotion work of Union Pay debit card and cross-bank transactions. Meanwhile, CCB was awarded ‘Innovation Award for Excellent Wealth Management Products’ and ‘Exploitation Award of Outstanding ATM Acquiring Bank’ by Visa International. CCB also won 4 awards granted by Visa international and MasterCard International Incorporated: Visa International granted CCB ‘Leap Award for Credit Card Business’ and CCB Long Automobile Card ‘Best Automobile Card for Life Style’; MasterCard International Incorporated awarded CCB ‘Best Issuing Bank of Dual-Currency Card for 2004’ and CCB Long Unicom Card ‘Best Joint Card for 2004’.                                         
In 2004 when CCB developed its credit card business, CCB insisted on the principle of harmonious development among quality, profitability and risk management, focused on clients needs to actively conduct marketing and promotion campaigns, and strengthened the efforts in producing new products. CCB progressively improved Long Card services and functions. For instance, CCB launched ‘Happy Investor’ wealth management card and Long Savings Card with ‘622700’ as the BIN code in line with Union Pay standards.  Meanwhile, CCB was the first bank among domestic commercial banks to launch dual-currency business card that is competitive with other international brands, dual-currency credit card that offers the choice to set password in China, Long automobile card that is tailored to individual car holders, and online banking services that can be provided to Long credit card holders. By the end of December of 2004, CCB had issued 149,440,000 debit cards, 6,250,000 credit cards, among which there was 1,650,000 dual-currency credit cards. The purchase amount by using Long debit card reached RMB 79.2 billion, an increase of RMB 39.4 billion over the same period of last year. The purchase amount by using credit card amounted to RMB 25.4 billion, an increase of 12% over the previous year. And ATM that can acquire foreign currencies had increased to 2,727 from 1,000 at the beginning of the year, with the transaction volume of RMB 317 million, up 148% in a year-on-year increase.
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