China Construction Bank Holds the Conference to Celebrate 50th Anniversary

Published time:2004-10-22
 Striving for Greater Success and Building on Glorious History
Wang Bingqian, Yan Haiwang and Su Ning are present and Zhang Enzhao delivers a speech. Chaired by Chang Zhenming, Xie Duyang, Zhao Lin, Luo Zhefu, Zheng Zhijie, Xin Shusen, Chen Zuofu and Fan Yifei also attend the conference. 
The conference room 
On October 21, 2004, Beijing is indulged in the clear sky and crisp air. At 3:00 pm, the conference on the celebration of CCB’s 50th anniversary was held in Beijing Cultural Palace of Nationalities. Stepping into the auditorium, the audience will first of all see the red banner reading “Conference on Celebration of CCB’s 50th Anniversary” hanging over the platform. The backdrop with Chinese characters “Memorable Years and Glorious History” clusters around the shining emblem of CCB. 1100 participants gather together to celebrate the 50th anniversary of China Construction Bank.
Former Vice Chairman Wang Bingqian of the Standing Committee of NPC, Secretary Yan Haiwang of the CPC Committee of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Vice Governor Su Ning of the People’s Bank of China, Vice Chairman Song Mi of China Power Regulatory Commission and Vice President Dong Jilu of China Unicom sit on the platform, and senior executives of CCB head office including Zhang Enzhao, Chang Zhenming, Xie Duyang, Zhao Lin, Luo Zhefu, Zheng Zhijie, Xin Shusen, Chen Zuofu and Fan Yifei attended the conference.
The conference was chaired by President Chang Zhenming. In his warm speech, Chairman Zhang Enzhao said that from 1954 to 2004, keeping pace with the People’s Republic of China, China Construction Bank has developed over half a century. The 50 years of development history witnesses CCB’s participation in the economic construction of the Republic and delivery of services to key national construction projects and the customers. It is a process of reform to establish the socialist market economy system and the history of hard working, exploration and innovation of several generations of CCB people. After 50 years of reform and development, CCB has grown into a major commercial bank playing an important part in the national economy and social progress, holding influence in both Chinese and foreign markets and processing a large customer base, rich market resources and a business network covering throughout China and some other countries and regions in the world. Today, CCB once more faces another turning point in the history of reform and development. The establishment of China Construction Bank Corporation marks a new phase of CCB’s shareholding reform. With the correct leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, the guide and help of related governing authorities, the full support of all sectors of the society and the hard work of all the employees, CCB will definitely achieve the objectives of the shareholding reform and open up a new phase in its success story!
Reviewing the 50 years of history of CCB, Secretary Yan Haiwang of the CPC Committee of China Banking Regulatory Commission raised high expectations for the newly established China Construction Bank Corporation, saying that “we firmly believe that the future of CCB is promising! However, the tasks of reform and development faced by CCB are extremely arduous and complicated. The incorporation of the shareholding company marks the initial achievement of the historic reform, but putting on the new name is not the ultimate goal of the shareholding reform of state-owned commercial banks and transfer of the operating mechanism is the core of reform. Therefore, CCB still has a long way to go to fulfill its tasks of reform and development.”
Vice Governor Su Ning of the People’s Bank of China in his speech fully recognized the brilliant achievements of CCB over the past 50 years. He said that “wherever there is construction there is China Construction Bank. Over the past half century, CCB has played an irreplaceable role in the national construction and made great achievements.”
Lastly, Chang Zhenming, on behalf of all the CBC staff, said that “with the leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council and the full support of the governing authorities and all sectors of the society, we have confidence, determination and capability to rely on our staff to make full use of CCB’s cultural and business advantages. We will seize opportunities to build CCB into a modern financial business with international competitiveness at the earliest date possible!”
Former CCB President Zhou Daojiong and the Vice President Dong Jilu of China Unicom who represents CCB’s customers also addressed the conference respectively to celebrate its 50th anniversary.  
At the conference Xie Duyang and Xin Shusen declared respectively the decision to reward the “Employees with Outstanding Achievements” and the fourth batch of the “Top Ten Youth” of China Construction Bank. The officials sitting in the front of the platform presented the certificates of “Employees with Outstanding Achievements” and the “Top Ten Youth” to the winners.
Officials of related government ministries and commissions and representatives of Chinese and foreign financial community, business community and the media also attended the conference. Retiree officials of CCB including Zhou Hanrong, Su Wenchuan, Zhao Yuzhuo and Geng Gengshan were invited to the conference.
After the conference the guests and participants watched the art performance played by the employees of CCB.
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