CCB Wins The Asset Triple A Awards

Published time:2006-01-19

The Asset magazine held its award ceremony for the Asset Triple A Awards 2005 in Hong Kong on January 19 2006. China Construction Bank (CCB) won Best Domestic Bank in China, and Best Issuer, Best Deal, Best Equity, Best IPO in Asia. In addition, the 3 billion renminbi residential mortgage backed securities completed by CCB was also named by the Asset as Best Local Currency Securitization Issue in Asia. This is the first time an issuer has swept all awards in the Asia capital markets.


The Asset, the most respected monthly finance magazine in Asia and Hong Kong, is now the largest circulated English finance magazine to global companies, investment banks and commercial banks, securities houses, financial institutions and senior management. The Asset Triple A Awards, conducted annually in recognition of performance excellence in the financial services industry over the past 12 months, are based on both quantitative and qualitative factors that contribute to a point-score called the Asset Scoring Quotient (TASQ).


CCB is the first of the big four state-owned commercial banks to get listed in the overseas market, and has renewed several records in the international capital market, eg. the world's largest IPO in five years, the largest ever from Asia ex-Japan and the largest among China’s enterprises. It is a landmark in CCB’s development history and also a significant achievement in the process of China’s reform of financial system.


Experts of the Asset magazine noted that, its size, valuation and subsequent trading level proved CCB’s excellent performance and outstanding capabilities of its management. CCB also had proved itself during secondary market trading, and thus, there was never any doubt that this was the best equity issue the year. And all investors began to have more confidence in China’s banking industry. The successful IPO of CCB will surely boost China’s reform in finance sector. Meanwhile, it has indicated that CCB has done a significant job in its restructuring, introduction of strategic investors, reform, improvement of corporate governance and risk management.


Reportedly, the reason why CCB can win so many awards from the Asset Triple A Awards is mainly because the successful restructuring leads to the improvement of its corporate governance and by means of introducing strategic investors, CCB’s reform can be pushed forward further. CCB has always adhered to the philosophy of customer-centric to provide quality services, improve brand image and bolster business development by using IT system on the one hand. On the other hand, CCB has strengthened its improvement of corporate governance to enhance risk management, promote accountability mechanism and incentive mechanism, and establish training-oriented enterprise’s culture. In this way, CCB has already improved its management level, comprehensive competitiveness and profitability.

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