CCB Provides Shanxi Province with RMB100 billion of Credit Support

Published time:2006-01-16

Equity and Mutual Benefit, Complementarities, Sincere Cooperation and Common Development

CCB provides Shanxi province with RMB100 billion of credit support


On January 16, Chan Zhenming, President of China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB), and Yu Youjun, governor of Shanxi provincial people’s government, signed the Bank-Government Cooperation Agreement in Taiyuan according to which CCB will provide RMB90 billion of financial support for the key projects of coal, power, transportation and metallurgy industries and another RMB10 billion for the small and medium-sized enterprises and competitive industries of Shanxi province.


Over the years, CCB has been an active player in and supporter for Shanxi’s economic growth and provided great financial support for the provincial backbone industries, especially the well-known local enterprises and key projects in the coal, iron & steel, aluminum and expressway industries. Meanwhile, the bank also offers diversified financial services to local residents for buying houses and automobiles.


CCB offers the RMB100 billion of credit support for the key projects, small and medium-sized enterprises and special industries of Shanxi following the principle of “equality and mutual benefit, complementarities with advantages, sincere cooperation and common development”, the national macro economic, industrial, regional development and credit policies and the national strategic planning of “rising of the central region” and the “eleventh five-year” development plan of Shanxi province. CCB will make best use of its advantages in the areas of project financing, cash management and financial consulting to deliver long-term financial services to the key infrastructure, basic industrial and supporting projects.


The friendly cooperation between CCB and Shanxi provincial government is of great importance to promoting the complementarities of advantages between the commercial bank and the government, preventing and managing financial risks and promoting the sustainable growth of local economy and financial industry.


Member of the standing committee of Shanxi Provincial Party committee Fan Duixiang and Secretary General of the Provincial Government Li Zhengwen were present at the signing ceremony.



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