CCB Provides Credit Support of RMB 50 Billion for Hainan Province

Published time:2005-12-23

On December 23, 2005, Governor Chang Zhenming of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. signed the Agreement on Strategic Financial Cooperation with Governor Wei Liucheng of the People’s Government of Hainan Province. According to the agreement, CCB will provide RMB-50-billion credit to Hainan in supporting key projects in the field of petroleum, chemicals, posts, communications, power, irrigation, tourism, transportation, manufacturing, medicine, public health and real estate during the 11th Five-Year Plan period.


At the signing ceremony, Governor Chang Zhenming expressed that in recent years Hainan has implemented the Scientific Concept of Development, carried out the strategy of “attracting large corporations and driving the growth through big projects” and strived to create a harmonious environment between human and nature. Hainan has upgraded its industrial and technological levels, intensified the structural adjustment and improved the innovation system and mechanism. The economy growth started to pick up with a sound balance between speed, quality, quality and effectiveness being achieved. The economic growth rate has exceeded the national average for six consecutive years. The establishment of China-ASEAN free trade areas and the promotion of regional economic cooperation will offer new strategic opportunities for the rapid growth of Hainan’s economy. He expressed that the cooperation with Hainan is of great significance to exploring complementary advantages between commercial banks and governments, preventing and eliminating financial risks and accelerating the sustained development of local economy and finance.


CCB has been an active participant and supporter in Hainan’s economic development and supported the regional development strategy for long time. CCB supported a great number of well-known corporations and large-scale projects such as Yangpu Refinery, Hainan Airlines and Bo’ao Forum for Asia (BFA). At the same time, CCB strived to satisfy the financial needs of local residents, such as housing and cars purchase. CCB also established good cooperative relations with the local government. In order to promote the rapid and healthy development of Hainan’s economy, CCB, through extensive consultations with Hainan local government, agreed to provide financial support of RMB 50 billion for key projects in the field of petroleum, chemicals, posts, communications, power, irrigation, tourism, transportation, manufacturing, medicine and public health based on the national macro-economic policy, industry policy, regional development policy and credit policy and in light of Hainan’s 11th Five-Plan. Such cooperation is of major significance to leveraging the complementary advantages of the financial sector and the government, promoting the sustained and harmonious development of local economy, and developing CCB business. In compliance with the strategic vision “striving to be a top international bank by providing optimum services for clients, maximizing values for stockholders and offering the best development opportunities for employees”, CCB will leverage its advantages to provide better and more effective financial services for the clients.


Through years of development, CCB has built up its own advantages and features in providing commercial banking services. CCB is a leader among domestic banks in many fields, such as capital construction loans, housing mortgage loans and bankcard services. CCB has an extensive customer base, including governments, corporations and consumers. On October 27, 2005, CCB was successfully listed in Hong Kong, marking a breakthrough for the reform of state-owned commercial banks and a historic step on the road to internationalization.


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