The First University Long Card in Liaoning Province - Liaoning University Long Card Is Released

Published time:2006-05-17

On May 17, 2006, CCB and Liaoning University held a grand ceremony for the issuance of the University Long Card – Liaoning University Long Card on the campus of Liaoning University. Zhao Lin, Vice President of CCB and Cheng Wei, Vice President of Liaoning University attended and addressed the ceremony.

The University Long Card is a credit card based upon the Long Credit Card (dual-currency) and issued by CCB in partnership with well-known universities. It inherits all the features of the Long Credit Card such as consumption first repayment later, dual-currency and 50-day-long grace period. Using this card, teachers and students in Liaoning University may purchase goods such as PC, mobile phones, home appliance and furniture by installment and on an interest-free basis. The fresh graduates may request CCB to provide credit reports by filing an application. Cardholders may get the aviation accident insurance for free and get discounts for their consumptions such as foods, goods, books and traveling if they use the card to buy air tickets in the designated places. By forging a partnership, CCB and Liaoning University not only introduced a credit card up to international standards to the teachers and students of Liaoning University but also introduced an international popular consumption concept to higher educational institutes. This card may increase the financial knowledge of the students of Liaoning University, enhance their wealth management abilities and promote the establishment of student credit system. The Liaoning University Long Card may make the alumni of Liaoning University feel proud of their alma mater and have a strong sense of identity.

Liaoning University is among the first group of universities in Liaoning that were included National 221 Program. The university has a long history, an outstanding educational concept and a highly competent faculty. Since its establishment, it has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents. CCB and Liaoning University have maintained a long-term cooperative relationship. The issuance of Liaoning University Long Card for the teachers and enrolled and graduated students of Liaoning University will enable CCB and Liaoning University to jointly develop a well-known University Long Card brand in China.

Since the issuance of the Long Credit Card (dual-currency) on August 8, 2003, CCB has been expanding its market share and accelerating product innovation. CCB has issued the largest number of dual-currency credit cards among state-owned banks. The launch of UIBE Long Card demonstrates that CCB will make more efforts in promoting the expansion of Long Card with famous universities and make more contributions to the credit establishment in universities.


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