CCB Kicks Off the Secret People Examination Program at Business Outlets

Published time:2006-06-02

Experiencing in the Name of Customers and Improving Services through Examination

On June 2, 2006, CCB spokesperson said that CCB recently started using the secrete people examination method to reinforce supervision and management of its business outlets, discover problems, if any, as early as possible, improve customer services and raise the image of CCB as a listed company

It is said that the so-called secret people are staffs dispatched by the headquarters. They pretend to be customers and make secret examinations in CCB outlets on their routine work, self-service bank and self-service equipment as well as customers’ opinions and suggestions on the outlets’ services. Since the pilot program was launched at the beginning of this year the CCB headquarters has sent several batches of secret people to its business outlets nationwide. Through secret examinations they have found many problems and weak links. According to the report of secret people, the headquarters informed related branches of their problems, which effectively helped the branches correct and solve their problems and raise service quality. After extensive discussion and in-depth analysis, based on the result of the pilot program, CCB decided to implement the secrete people system throughout the bank.

The secret people keep their examination plan and arrangement strictly confidential. They contact the business outlets only in the name of customers, faithfully and carefully record how their examinations proceed, including examination items, process, steps and time and make fair and just elaboration and comment on the examination s, noted the spokesperson.

The examination items of the secret people include customer services, business process, hardware facilities, business environment, outlet construction, self-help services, launch of new products and business. The secret people examine not only the dress, spirit, service language and business skills of outlet staffs but also the operational process, service facilities and cleanness of business outlets. Their examination even covers the interior decoration, functional layout, logo, allocation of advertisement and promotional materials of outlets and the knowledge of outlet staffs of new products and business. 

After making secret examinations, the secrete people will submit written report to the headquarters which will then announce the examination results regularly and circulate notice to its branches. The headquarters will notify the branches which do have problems and require them to correct within a certain period of time. The staffs, managers and senior officials of those outlets which have serious problems will be held responsible.

According to the spokesman, Chairman of CCB Guo Shuqing has stressed on many occasions the standard of “customer-orientation” must be used to check our work, services and process. Since last year CCB has taken numerous measures to upgrade business process and raise service efficiency, which has been welcomed by the market. This year CCB will focus on optimizing the retail, intermediary business and product development process to enhance service efficiency and strive to make breakthroughs in downsizing service time and pushing for differential services. Unnecessary examination, check and investigation will be canceled, repeated or similar business processes consolidated and non-core business processes requiring large number of human resources and materials simplified. Information technology will be applied to improve business process and service quality. Active efforts will be made to move a large number of standardized transaction business to the e-bank. The business processing capacity and transaction proportion of e-bank will be raised so as to expand market via e-bank and ease the stress of outlet counter staffs. In short, the culture, mission and values of modern commercial banks are the prerequisite of building a modern commercial bank. The key is to appropriately handle the relations between the bank and its customers and make customers feel satisfied.

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