CCB Forges A Brand of Housing Financial Services with Its Advantages in Innovation

Published time:2006-06-02

Presently CCB has established close partnerships with over 600 housing provident fund centers and sub-centers to offer financial services for over 1 million housing funds deposit agencies and more than 30 million employees. CCB was the market leader in the industry in terms of the market share of housing provident fund deposits and loans.

On June 2, 2006, the spokesman of CCB announced that this May marks the 15th university of the establishment of China’s housing provident fund system. For 15 years CCB has always been supporting the reform in China’s housing system and offering the financial helps and services for billions of peoples to live and work in peace and contentment. Presently CCB has established close partnerships with over 600 housing provident fund centers and sub-centers to offer financial services for over 1 million housing funds deposit agencies and more than 30 million employees. CCB was the market leader in the industry in terms of the market share of housing provident fund deposits and loans reaching 60% and 50% respectively. As the first supporter, participator and founder of China’s housing provident fund system, CCB has been actively supporting the reform in China’s housing system and innovating housing financial products and services. CCB established a reputed brand image in the field of housing financial services. Today, the service philosophy of “Buying Houses and Going to CCB” has gone deep into hearts of peoples.

Based on the recent statistic, CCB has collected an accumulative total of 609.7-billion-RMB housing provident funds, covering a total of 47.74 million employees. CCB lent a total of 282.3-billion-RMB provident fund individual housing loans to 3.22 million employees. These figures not only represent the efforts made by CCB to satisfy the requirement of the reform in the housing system reform, support the housing reform and serve the people, but also reflects the achievements made since the establishment of China’s housing provident fund system.

It is introduced that the housing provident fund system is featured by strict policies, complex contents, extensive coverage and large quantity of funds. Based on its advanced management experiences, CCB took advantage of its huge marketing network throughout the whole country consisting of 13,977 branches and over 300 thousand employees in this industry, strived for innovation and improved the administering mode of housing provident fund business during various historic periods of housing system reform, and greatly supported the housing system reform in China. During the start-off period of housing system reform, CCB established a specialized department, Real Estate Credit Department, to support the reform in housing system from the operational level. With the deepening of reform in the housing system and according to the government’s requirements of adjusting and improving housing provident fund management system, CCB standardized the entrusted operation of housing provident fund business, implemented the chief account manager system in provident fund centers throughout the whole bank, improved the third-level account manager service system and gradually expanded the provident fund services at all CCB outlets. With gradual improvement and innovation for more than 10 years, CCB has formed a housing financial service system featuring diversified services, modernized information means and networking organizations.

According to the needs under the situation, CCB has always been paying attention to the market change and clients’ requirements. By optimizing processes, upgrading services, increasing channels, innovating products and helping provident fund centers in different areas manage and utilize the housing provident funds properly, CCB may offer increasingly specialized, standardized and personalized financial products and services for clients. This is a good reflection of China’s customer-centric philosophy. Currently entrusted by provident fund centers in different areas, CCB may offer services for many deposit agencies and employees such as the housing provident fund access, account management, funds collection and settlement, inquiry and account reconciliation, and provident fund individual housing loans, the one-step service of provident fund introduced in partnership with the provident fund centers, provident fund Long Co-Branded Card, the special deposit book or register for provident fund, innovative package loans combining provident fund and self-operating individual housing, the discount loan of provident fund, and entrusted withdrawal of provident fund for repayment. Recently CCB takes the lead in introducing electric channels for housing provident fund such as online banking, telephone banking, mobile phone banking and self-service banking.

The spokesman of CCB said that based upon the 15-year-long practices in the housing provident fund, CCB not only accumulated abundant practical experiences and formed a complete product and service system, but also fostered and trained many talents and teams with special knowledge and skill. CCB will firmly follow the philosophy of serving the housing reform and common people, continually improve the products, enhance service quality and efficiency, and enable the clients of provident fund to get high-quality, effective and user-friendly products and services so as to make new contribution to the further improvement of China’s housing provident fund system and creating a harmonious society for people to live and work in peace and contentment.

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