Supporting the Development of Folk Music

Published time:2006-09-12

CCB Joins Hands with Inner Mongolia Broadcasting and TV Art Troup


On September 12, 2006, CCB and Inner Mongolia Broadcasting and TV Art Troupe held the signing ceremony on a cooperation agreement in Huhehaote. As the chief sponsor, CCB will support the troupe in studying, composing and performing Mongolian music.

With a team of professional composers and researchers of Mongolian music, the Inner Mongolia Broadcasting and TV Art Troupe has won numerous domestic and international musical awards. The State Council listed the Urtin Duu and khoomei performed by the troupe into the first group of national intangible cultural heritage. As a language beyond national border, music is the bridge of peace and friendship. CCB, being committed to growing into a leading international modern bank, takes actively participating in cultural and artistic activities, promoting the progress of folk music and enriching the cultural life of the Chinese people as its obligation and honor.

CCB is the first among the four state-owned commercial banks completing overseas listing. In the process of advancing the shareholding reform and IPO, especially as a public firm, CCB has faithfully implemented the policies and principles of the Central Party Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of state-owned commercial banks and keeps improving corporate governance, speeding up business strategic transition, strengthening risk control and management, optimizing internal mechanism and business process and innovating product and services. As a result, its business grows healthily and performance continues to improve. By the end of June this year, CCB’s total assets have amounted to RMB5.1 trillion and post-tax profit reached RMB23.2 billion which is up 13% over the same period of last year. Its NPL ratio dropped from 3.84% at the beginning of the year to 3.51% in June, which remains to be the best among the four state-owned banks. Today, CCB’s market value makes it one of the top 10 global commercial banks. It has been included into the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index and Hang Seng Index Constituents and become the first H share company joining the Hang Seng Index. It ranked No.1 on the list of Top 100 Chinese Banks released by the Britain-based journal The Banker and was rated by the magazine as the “Best Chinese Bank of the Year 2005”. The Hong Kong-based journal Asiaweek selected CCB as the “most profitable bank in Asia” on its list of top 300 Asian banks. CCB also ranked the 65th among the 2006 Fortune 2000 global listed companies.

At the signing ceremony, CCB officials said that those achievements are best evidence of the recognition of the market on the performance and position of CCB. CCB’s growth will be impossible without the support of its customers and the society. In the future, CCB will continue faithfully implementing the “customer-centric” business philosophy and do its utmost to deliver financial support and services for the national economic construction and improvement of people’s living standards. It will strive to grow into a leading international commercial bank providing its customers with the best services, creating the maximum value for its shareholders and offering the best career opportunities to its employees. It will better fulfill its corporate citizenship, promote the development of the educational, health, cultural and sports undertakings, play an active part in charity activities and contribute to building a harmonious social environment and creating a bright future. 

As a listed company, CCB is taking tangible actions to honor its commitments of performing social responsibilities and repaying the society. We believe that with the full support of CCB and the continuous hard work of the troupe the Mongolian music will reach further out to the entire country and the world at large and bring a pleasant experience to millions of audience. It is also hoped that the whole society will as always support the growth of the bank and facilitate its efforts of growing into a modern financial company with international competitiveness.



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