Superstar Composers Gather at the Concert of Modern Chinese Chamber Music

Published time:2006-10-11

Foreign Band Plays Chinese Music

Three “Tops” Draw Wide Attention

Following its sponsorship for the Beijing International Music Festival, CCB continues its support for this international cultural event as the chief sponsor this year. On October 11, 2006, the elite of the “golden generation” of contemporary Chinese composers appeared at the press conference of the eighth concert of the 2006 Beijing International Music Festival – the Concert of Modern Chinese Chamber Music held in the headquarters of CCB, making the brightest spot of the festival.

It is said that at the concert the most classical and the best works of contemporary Chinese composers including Guo Wenjing, Ye Xiaogang, Tan Dun, Zhang Lida, Chen Yi, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong will be performed in new ways and the
repertoire will be updated in wider and more diversified perspectives. Showing the highest level and artistic charm of contemporary Chinese composers, the event can be said as the first grand gather-together of the “golden generation” of contemporary Chinese composers over 30 years.


The reporter was told that Guo Wenjing, Tan Dun, Qu Xiaosong and Ye Xiaogang are reputed as the “legendary four aces” of the 1978 graduates of the Central Conservatory of Music. Being among the first group of students admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music after the “Cultural Revolution”, all of them have become internationally renowned composers and the backbone of contemporary Chinese music.


“If we call back all the overseas Chinese capable of playing football and organize a football team, we are not sure of beating the Brazilian football team. But if we call back all the overseas Chinese composers and organize a band, it must be a world-class band,” said Yu Long, artistic director of Beijing International Music Festival. A large number of talented young Chinese composers have emerged in recent years. Many of them win top music awards and become internationally renowned composers. As the world culture moves in a more diversified direction, the Chinese composers combine the ancient Chinese civilization with modern western civilization to create new types of modern music and promote the Chinese culture. Contemporary Chinese music maintains its unique system, thought and style and constitutes a special part of the modern world musical culture. It is the spiritual fortune of all mankind.


A CCB officer told the reporter that music is a language beyond national boarder and the bridge of peace and friendship. Integrating western and oriental cultures, Beijing International Music Festival not only brings world-class music to the Chinese audience but also introduces the best Chinese music to the world. The event carries on the classical merits, encourages innovation and is committed to serving the audience and leading fashion, which coincides with CCB’s brand image of “innovation, service, steadiness and excellence”. And the prospects of gaining international recognition are the common pursuit of both the festival and the bank. CCB whose market capitalization has made it one of the top ten global commercial banks is increasing support for public welfare while pushing ahead its strategic transition and providing customer with the best services. The bank hopes that its five year of partnership will make the Beijing International Music Festival increasingly successful and the CCB brand last as long as the classical music.


It should be noted that the band for the concert is Ensemble Modern which is well known as the “lighthouse” of contemporary culture and awarded as the “Honorary Artists of 2006 Beijing International Music Festival” for its efforts of promoting the contemporary Chinese music. Each member of the band has rich performing skill and experience. Zhong Gu Lou, the work of the well-known composer Zhou Long to be performed at the concert is written at the request of Ensemble Modern and Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin. It is Ensemble Modern that initially performed the work in Essen Music Hall on March 30, 2006.


The top international modern band performs the top works of top modern Chinese composers. On October 12, the Beijing Music Hall will shine with the “Chinese concept”. It is a rare opportunity for both the amateur Chinese music lovers and the professional musicians.


The concert has received support from CCB. The bank’s great effort of promoting the works of modern Chinese composers is a strong evidence of its unique corporate culture.



Please log on and enter the public email of the ninth Beijing International Music Festival with the user name of bmf_9th and password of 123456 for all the documents and pictures of the opening concert.



Initiated in 1998, Beijing International Music Festival is a grand music event approved by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC and Beijing Municipal Government. Over the past 8 years it has become one of the leading international music festivals and made great contributions to promoting the development of Chinese and foreign music culture. It now is the showcase music festival of China.


The ninth Beijing International Music Festival & the fourth Beijing International Symphony Performance Season will be held from October 2 to 29, 2006 and present 24 sessions of 26 performances.


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