CCB Spokesperson Answers NPLs Issues Reported by Foreign Press

Published time:2006-11-15

Recently, we noticed that New York Times released a report about non-performing loans (NPLs) of China’s banks including China Construction Bank (CCB). For this, CCB’s spokesperson seriously said, the assertion of hiding NPLs told by a certain person quoted by this report was not a fact.


CCB, at all times, strictly abides by related rules and regulations stipulated by the country and Hong Kong. As a public company, CCB has made its information disclosure in line with related laws. In light of laws of the country and Hong Kong’s authorities, CCB set down strict criteria and procedures for loan classification. CCB’s prospectus has already disclosed financial statements including data of asset quality, which was audited by he independent auditor (KPMG). And the auditor said they gave a true and fair view of the state of CCB affairs. 


From the perspective of CCB, press and public monitoring is an important part of corporate governance. As a public company, under the prerequisite of complying with laws, market regulations and article of association, CCB always tries it best to provide accurate information about its changes to its investors, and in the meantime, CCB just hopes that all presses can report objectively and disclose CCB’s real information. As for any thing that harms CCB and CCB’s investors interests, CCB reserves the right to take legal action against it.


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