CCB Introduces RMB Structured Deposit Product

Published time:2006-12-11

Are you considering obtaining returns from your idle funds on the eve of New Year? On December 12, 2006, CCB will introduce RMB structured deposit product to the market. It is reported that the financial management product issued by CCB is featured by short term, low risk and steady returns. It is a good choice of investment for customers.

The currency of principal and earnings are denominated in RMB. It is available to both personal and corporate investors. The required threshold amount is 50 thousand yuan for personal investors and 500 thousand yuan for corporate investors.

The main characteristics of this product are as follows: first, low risk. It will be invested into the dollar market. The short-term credit rating of trading counterparty (debtor) is A-1. Based on the definition of short-term credit rating by Standard & Poor's, A-1 is the highest short-term credit rating indicating that the debtor has strong ability of repaying principle and interest. At the same time as the investment custodian, CCB will utilize the forward exchange settlement to hedge the exchange rate risk so as to effectively avoid the exchange rate risk; second, short term. The term of investment is only 3 months. CCB will repay all principals and earnings to investors at the maturity. The investor’s requirement on the flow of funds will be better satisfied; third, steady returns. The product will be invested into the dollar market and offered at a fixed rate. Compared to other structured investment products, it has steadier returns, fourth, secure principal. CCB will deliver principal guarantee and your principal will be 100% guaranteed.

The “Profit from Exchange” structured deposit product this time will be sold at 37 CCB branches throughout China. Investors may buy it at the designated outlets of local CCB branches.


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