CCB Wins the Most Responsible Enterprise Award 2006

Published time:2007-01-30

Fulfilling the Corporate Responsibilities and Creating an Ideal Corporate Image

China Construction Bank (CCB, Stock Code: 939) won the Most Responsible Enterprise Award 2006 in a nation-wide appraisal event due to its contributions as a responsible corporate citizen.

The event was guided by Red Cross Society of China (RCSC), the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce (MoC), and the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS), and hosted by China News Weekly and the Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF). It was the second time that the event was held following the successful first event last year. CCB, together with the other 11 well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises, was awarded as the Most Responsible Enterprise.

The organizing committee of this event pointed out in its letter that through the investigation on the trend of corporate social responsibility, collecting statistics of social responsibility index and the appraisal by the specialized steering committee, CCB’s outstanding performance in the area of corporate social responsibility was highly recognized by the public and the experts in the industry. 

For the past year, CCB was committed to doing business in compliance with the laws and regulations, inherited the traditional advantage as a specialized bank, supported the construction efforts of the country, provided customers with more comprehensive services, offered better returns for shareholders, paid special attention to the development and the living of employees, showed solicitude for the development of the society, gave back to the public, and made beneficial attempts in fulfilling corporate social responsibilities. CCB donated an accumulative total of over 10 million yuan to China Children and Teenagers' Fund, the Organizing Committee of Special Olympics Millennium March, the snow-stricken region in Inner Mongolia, the Red Cross Society of China, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai. CCB built up 25 HOPE primary schools in 14 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and helped 16,000 poor undergraduates continue or complete their studies. CCB assisted the victims in the disaster areas in rebuilding their homes. From supporting the poverty alleviation campaigns to assisting the victims of disasters, and from making donations to the welfare undertakings to protecting the cultural relics of mankind, CCB spared no efforts in supporting the public welfare undertaking with its substantial actions. CCB won a number of awards and titles for its outstanding contributions, including Public Welfare Star Enterprise, Loving Children Outstanding Contribution Award, Public Welfare Caring Enterprise, the Special Contributions to Poverty Alleviation Award, and China Red Cross Fraternity Medal. The Most Responsible Enterprise Award is an encouragement for CCB to better fulfill its corporate social responsibilities in the future. 

Whiling speaking of the feelings of winning this award, the spokesperson of CCB indicated that CCB would pay special attention to its responsibilities for customers, employees, society and environment while striving to gain profits and increase shareholders’ value.

 “CCB has strategic vision since it went public, the core of which is to offer the best services for customers, maximize shareholders’ value and provide the best opportunities for the growth of employees,” said CCB’s spokesperson. “The award is a recognition of CCB’s pledge to fulfill its social responsibilities in its strategic vision.”





China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB) was the first bank to go public among China’s four largest state-owned commercial banks in the overseas market, providing a comprehensive range of commercial banking products and services. CCB’s principal business activities consist of corporate banking, personal banking and treasury operations. CCB is among the market leaders in China in a number of products and services such as infrastructure loans, residential mortgage loans and bank cards. CCB has an extensive customer base, with established banking relationships with many of the largest business groups and leading companies in industries which are strategically important to China’s economy. And its network covers all major regions throughout the whole country. Customers can access CCB’s services through various channels such as wealth management centers, electronic banking, and self-service banking centers. As of June 30, 2006, it had an extensive network of 13,847 branch outlets in the mainland of China. In addition, it maintained overseas branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, Frankfurt, Johannesburg and Seoul; representative offices in London and New York; wholly owned subsidiary of China Construction Bank (Asia) Limited; and joint ventures of Sino-German Bausparkasse Corporation with share of 75.1% and CCB Principal Asset Management Co., Ltd. with share of 65%.


According to The Banker magazine in July 2005, CCB was rated 11th among Top 1000 World Banks and ranked the No. 1 on the list of top 100 China’s bank in terms of the tier one capital. According to Asiaweek in July 2006, CCB was rewarded “most profitable bank in Asia”. 

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