Bank Ensures Safety of Second-hand House Transaction Fund--- CCB Opens “Easy Housing” Account Service

Published time:2007-02-14

CCB recently launched the Easy Housing account service nationwide to ensure the safety of second-hand house transaction fund. Establishing and managing the special account of second-hand house transaction fund, the service offers a safe and easy fund management channel for both the buyer and seller of second-hand houses as well as housing brokers.


To standardize the commission service of housing intermediaries and ensure the safety of second-hand house transaction fund, the Ministry of Construction recently issued a decretive requiring real estate brokers must open special deposit account for transaction fund settlement and the transaction fund must be deposited and transferred through the account. CCB consequently launched the Easy Housing account service which allows the housing brokers to open special Easy Housing account at the bank so that each transaction fund will be deposited and managed under the account. Such fund will be frozen in the process of transaction and transferred directly to the account of the seller in line with related agreement after the transaction. If the transaction fails to be completed, the fund will be transferred back to the buyer.


As most second-hand house transactions are completed through housing intermediaries, it has become a major problem of second-hand house market development and a focus of both the government and the public how to ensure the convenience of second-hand house transaction and the safety of transaction fund. The Easy Housing service of CCB complies with the national policy, meets market demand and protects the interest of customers. It is of great significance to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all parties involved in housing transactions. It also demonstrates the expertise of CCB in the field of real estate financial services developed over the years.



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