Tibet in Our Hearts Kick-off of the China Construction Bank-China Jianyin Investment Scholarship/Assistantship Fund

Published time:2007-10-12

On October 12th, a kick-off ceremony for the “Tibet-in-our-hearts China Construction Bank-China Jianyin Investment Scholarship/Assistantship Fund” was held in the Potala Palace Square in Lhasa.  Jointly financed by China Construction Bank (CCB) and China Jianyin Investment Co., Ltd. (CJI), this fund was set up to provide financial assistance to secondary school and university students from impoverished Tibetan families through the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation.  During the ceremony, the first batch of scholarship/assistantship was awarded to impoverished students from Tibet University and Lhasa Secondary School.  This ceremony was attended by Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) People’s Congress Standing Committee executive vice-director Qun Pei, TAR People’s Government vice-chairman Padma Tsewang, TAR Political Consultative Conference vice-chairman Bo Jar, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation executive vice secretary-general Liu Wenkui as well as relevant persons-in-charge from CCB and CJI.

The Tibet-in-our-hearts Scholarship/Assistantship Fund is set up to provide financial assistance to impoverished secondary school and university students in Tibet.  With endowments of 3.5 million yuan from CCB and 1.5 million yuan from CJI, a five million foundation fund is established with China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation to provide educational assistance in the Tibet region.  The fund will be operated in perpetuity by drawing only the earnings of the principal.  Annually there will be 20 scholarships of 2,500 yuan each to be awarded to impoverished students in Tibet University who have demonstrated good character and fine scholarship.  For impoverished students from Lhasa Secondary School who are keen to learn and to improve themselves, there will be 30 assistantships of 2,000 yuan each for the first year.  The number of assistantship will be increased gradually each year until the maximum of 90 is reached.

According to CCB Public Relations & Corporate Culture Department general manager Hu Changmiao, supporting and facilitating the development of Tibet education is important groundwork for nurturing the next generation and bringing benefit to the future.  Through such a funding activity, CCB hopes that it can help impoverished Tibet students complete their education successfully and become useful persons in the near future, thereby contributing its humble efforts towards the harmonious development of Tibet.  At the same time, it hopes that its actions can induce the whole society to take note of and provide assistance to impoverished students in Tibet, hence supporting the improvement and development of Tibet education.  As well, for CCB, the Tibet-in-our-hearts Scholarship/Assistantship Fund is an important measure in focussing the efforts of its staff and in building up its corporate culture.  Through guiding its staff to participate in this charitable cause and interacting with impoverished Tibet students, CCB will promote better understanding and keen interest in Tibet, which will not only stimulate their passion and responsibility towards participating in the building up of a new Tibet, but will also lead them into carrying out their job responsibilities better so as to contribute more to the Company and to society.

In the kick-off ceremony, representatives of the first batch of impoverished secondary school and university students receiving the financial aid had sincerely expressed their feelings.  "The selfless help from CCB and CJI is brightening up my future just like warm sunshine in a snowy plateau,” said one impoverished secondary school student emotionally.  “I will definitely study assiduously in order to reciprocate society’s loving care with excellent results.”

Over the years, while striving to quicken the pace of its own development, CCB has been conscientious in assuming its corporate social responsibility.  It has carried out a lot of effective social services through active support of social economic development, sponsoring of cultural and educational undertakings as well as caring and helping underprivileged groups.

For the Tibet-in-our-hearts Scholarship/Assistantship Fund project, CCB Tibet Branch had undertaken pre-project studies, assisted in finalising the list of scholarship/assistantship recipients, participated in project management and helped raise 500,000 yuan of the 3.5 million yuan endowment from CCB.  <For many years, under the leadership and support of CCB headquarters, CCB Tibet Branch has been actively participating in local economic development projects.  It has provided credit support and financial services in major Tibet construction projects such as Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Yangbajing Geothermal Power Station, Lhasa Gongga Airport, Qamdo Bangda Airport and the expansion project for the Potala Palace Square.  At the same time, it has persevered in launching charity activities in poverty alleviation, sponsoring teachers and subsidising students, etc and has won high acclaims from all quarters of society.

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