Company-wide Watching of the Inauguration of the 17th CPC National Congress Arranged by CCB Party Committee

Published time:2007-10-16

The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was solemnly inaugurated on October 15th.  On that day, it was arranged by CCB party committee that staff throughout the Company could watch and listen to General Secretary Hu Jintao’s report to the assembly on behalf of the Central Committee.  Comrades in the CCB party committee unanimously agreed that General Secretary Hu Jintao’s report provided a clear direction for CCB to further intensify its reforms and carry out scientific development.  To adhere to the policy of reform and opening up and to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics are reckoned as driving forces as well as important guaranties for CCB to realise its strategic vision of being at the forefront of economic modernisation in China and to become a world class bank.

Members of the CCB headquarters party committee unanimously agree that, by adopting the major concepts of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Three Represents as guiding principles and by the all-round fulfilling of the concept of scientific development, General Secretary Hu Jintao’s report has incisively analysed the basic trends in the world of today and in the social development of contemporary China; is in full grasp of all the new needs of China’s social development and all the new expectations of the Chinese people; has made profound summing up of CPC’s experience in governing the country; and has scientifically formulated action programmes which are responsive to the needs of the times and the expectations of the people.  Since CCB’s share reform and listing in the stock market, its corporate governance has been improving incessantly, its risk control capabilities has been significantly enhanced and its asset quality has been improved continuously, so much so that it is now among the largest banks in the world.  The achieving of such results is attributed to CPC’s unswerving insistence on emancipating our minds, unswerving implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, unswerving promotion of scientific development and social harmony and unswerving striving to build a moderately prosperous society.

At CCB headquarters, many staff members have sat in front of the TV and listened intently to General Secretary Hu Jintao’s report to the 17th National Congress.  In associating to CCB’s quickening pace in business restructuring, they have pointed out that, in General Secretary Hu Jintao’s report, it has been mentioned that, the reason why socialism with Chinese characteristics is the right way and the reason why it can bring China development and improvement is that we have uphold the basic principles of scientific socialism and have given it Chinese characteristics according to the actual situations in China.  They have all mentioned that they are much encouraged by General Secretary Hu’s report.  With the development of the economy and the financial sector, there will be marked increases both in the breadth and the depth of customer financial requirements.  As part of the financial service industry, CCB should firmly establish a “customer-focussed" operating concept and should spend more efforts in discovering, unearthing and satisfying customer needs.  In order that it can thoroughly implement the spirits of the 17th National Congress through specific actions, CCB should on the one hand continue to uphold the concept of scientific development and keep on operating in a law-abiding and steady manner, on the other hand it should relate to practical situations and continue to innovate, accelerate its pace in realising strategic restructuring and keep on raising customer satisfaction and service quality.

In more than 10,000 CCB branches and sub-branches, arrangements had also been made for employees to watch the live broadcast of the inauguration ceremony of CPC's 17th National Congress.  CCB Shaanxi Branch grass-root level staff member Wang Hongmei, a 17th National Congress delegate herself, had shared her excitement.  She opined that Comrade Hu Jintao’s report was very incisive.  She further pointed out that, in the report, it had been mentioned that we must be able to develop for the people, rely on the people to attain development, and let the people share the fruits of development.  In applying these guidelines to the financial sector, she said it would mean that we have to meet customer needs by providing quality services and we have to share the fruits of CCB’s reform and development with our customers.  In describing his understanding of the report, the person-in-charge of the “Housing Finance Night Market” from the CCB Chengdong sub-branch in Fuzhou pointed out that, until recently, they have organised the Housing Finance Night Market from 6 pm to 8.30 pm on every Tuesday and Thursday to handle contract signing for housing mortgages, personal housing provident loans and personal auto loans for customers.  But recently, Chengdong sub-branch had decided to strike the iron while it was hot and launched a 24 hour “Housing Finance Hot-line” in order to provide house call services for the handicapped and for those with special needs.  The purpose is to implement the customer-focussed concept and to welcome the convening of CPC’s 17th National Congress through actions.

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