CCB Ceremoniously Commends Employees with Outstanding Contributions

Published time:2007-11-03

Recently, during the third session of the first general meeting of employee representatives convened by CCB, Shuai Jinkun and 15 other staff members were honoured with the “China Construction Bank Outstanding Contribution” citation and presented with hefty prize monies ranging from 100,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan.  This is the second occasion in which CCB commends it staff for their outstanding contribution following the commendation of 12 employees including Li Xiangdang last year.

Established last year, this “Outstanding Contribution” award is the highest honorary title presented by CCB for the purpose of promoting vigorous development of its business and driving the realisation its company-wide visions.  Its emphasis is in rewarding high level core talents with specialist skills amongst its 300,000 or so staff.  The present list of awardees was generated strictly on a bottom-up and level-by-level assessment basis.  These awardees are therefore truly the most advanced and most representative among CCB staff members.

The 16 award winners include Yunnan Branch senior specialist Shuai Jinkun; Liaoning Branch president Wang Jun; Headquarters Workout Department general manager Yu Yanling; Headquarters Electronic Banking Department general manager Xu Jie; Hunan Branch president Kung Shuxiong; Beijing Branch Wealth Management Centre assistant business manager Wang Rucheng; Suzhou Branch Ganjiang Sub-branch second grade officer Gu Zhiyong; Henan Branch Luoyang Xigong Personal Wealth Management Centre assistant business manager Li Deyun; Shaanxi Branch Xian Advanced and High Technology Industry Development District Sub-branch business manager Dai Qunwei; Qinghai Branch Xining Chengxi Sub-branch assistant business manager Yang Jun; Xinjiang Branch Sales Department Huanghei Road Sub-branch second grade officer Mahmut; Headquarters Investment Banking Department business supervisor Zhang Minghe; Headquarters Corporate Banking Department senior assistant to manager Chen Dong and Headquarters Personal Finance Department senior manager Li Jianfeng.

All these 16 award recipients are outstanding representatives from among the 300,000 employees of CCB.  They are whole-hearted supporters of the [Chinese Communist] Party’s leadership, keen adopters of the Party’s basic lines and possess unswerving political ideals and beliefs.  They are noble in character, honest and disciplined; scrupulous in observing professional ethics and active in participating in cultural development.  They are also highly career-minded and have a keen sense of responsibility.  They have achieved enviable results through extraordinary hard work and dedication and each of them have made excellent contributions towards the development of CCB in their respective fields.  Some of time have focussed on companywide development strategies and have contributed towards widening development mentalities, reforming development models, renovating management mechanisms, leading high quality teams or significantly raising operation efficiency, thereby effectively furthering CCB’s efforts in achieving world class commercial bank status in its management.  Some of time have committed to innovating in response to the ever-changing needs or even all-new needs of different customer groups and have achieved major breakthroughs in product development and innovations.  Some of them have applied themselves in research and problem solving and have succeeded in capitalising on their consummate skills in realising spectacular enhancement of technology application levels in CCB or in making significant advancement in CCB’s technical application systems.  Some of them are adapt in seizing on service and sales opportunities and have succeeded in winning over vital customers for CCB through much hard work, perseverance, meticulous service and impeccable work ethics.  Yet some of them have excelled themselves at the grass-root level and have won laudation from customers and society with their skilful business techniques and sincere services, thereby expanding the influence of CCB brand name and contributing towards implementing CCB's customer focussed concept.

A person-in-charge in CCB points out that such overall commendation and encouragement of outstanding employees is an important measure for CCB in realising its vision of “always standing in the forefront of China’s economic modernisation and becoming a world class bank" and in its undertaking to “provide better services to its customers, create more value for its shareholders, build a wide career development platform for its employees, and take up full corporate social responsibilities to society”.  This measure will further arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of all its employees in general and of its core talents in particular.  It will set examples for the entire staff on how to make contributions and establish careers, on promoting the vigorous development of CCB’s business and on the realisation of companywide strategic visions.  This is a time when CCB’s A shares have been listed successfully, when all of its reforms are being continually entrenched and all facets of its business development are collectively setting a new epoch.  At this juncture, CCB employees are indicating that they will seriously comprehend the gist of the 17th National Congress and implement it according to the actual situation in CCB.  They vow to learn from the award recipients how to apply the “customer focussed and marketing orientated" concepts in their respective posts and contribute their wisdom and efforts towards the development of CCB through hard work, fortitude, innovation and first-rate performance.

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