Donation Ceremony Held by CCB and The China Yan’an Spirit Research Society

Published time:2007-12-06

A donation ceremony was held on December 6th by CCB and China Yan’an Spirit Research Society (CYSRS).  During the ceremony, CCB donated a sum of two million RMB to support the studying, research and publicising of Yan’an spirit by CYSRS.  Standing member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and CYSRS executive vice president Wu Shaozu, CYSRS executive vice president You Lin, vice president Ni Haomei, Ma Erchi, Zhou Caiyu, secretary general Su Xisheng, executive vice secretary general Geng Wenxi, vice secretary general Wang Haizhu, CCB chairman Guo Shuqing, CCB chairman of the board of supervisors Xie Duyang and CCB vice president Xin Shusen were present in the ceremony.

In addressing the ceremony, Mr. Wu lauded CCB for successfully playing the role of a pioneer in advancing China’s financial reform and for achieving spectacular results in implementing the scientific viewpoint of development when running and managing its business.  He fully approved CCB’s comprehensive undertaking of corporate social responsibility and active supporting of social welfare causes and pointed out that CCB’s donation is a concrete action in implementing the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress.

In his address, Mr. Guo said that the Yan’an spirit is a great revolutionary spirit nurtured and developed by the previous generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong during the Yan’an Period and is a spiritual fortune of the CPC as well as that of our country and the Chinese race.  It is not just part of history, but is also part of the present and the future.  The learning and promoting of the Yan’an spirit means the insistence in unswervingly following the correct political direction, insistence in adopting mind emancipating, practical and realistic lines of thought, insistence in embracing the fundamental objective of serving the people whole-heartedly and the insistence in keeping up a style of self-reliance and hardworking.  At a time when the whole country is making in-depth studies in implementing the spirits of the 17th CPC National Congress, devoting efforts in promoting the Yan’an spirit and advancing socialist construction with Chinese characteristics is the call of the time and the expectation of the people and have practical and far-reaching significance.

Mr. Guo said that it is an honour as well as a responsibility for CCB to contribute towards advancing the research, studying and publicising of the Yan’an spirit.  CCB will appeal to all its employees to study and promote the Yan’an spirit, to establish themselves in their respective professions, emancipate their minds, be realistic, practical and hardworking, advance with time, devote themselves in making CCB a world-class bank and make new contributions towards constructing a harmonious society.

It is understood that CYSRS was established in 1990 as an academic organisation devoted to the studying, researching and publicising the Yan’an spirit.  Currently, it is taking up the responsibility of compiling "One History & Two Chronicles”; that is, compiling the 13-year history of the Central Committee of CPC in Yan’an, the local chronicles of Yan’an from 1935 to 1948 and the local chronicle of the Shan-Gan-Ning Border Region during 1935-1948.  Such a huge project is expected to last 10 years.  It will be divided into two phases.  The first phase is to build up a database for the One History and Two Chronicles.  So far, 25 topics have been determined.  The second phase is the composing of a series of books on CPC Central Committee’s 13 years in Yan’an.  The present donation from CCB will mainly be used in constructing the One History Two Chronicles database.

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