CCB Wins China Customer Care Benchmark Enterprise Award 2007

Published time:2007-12-26

Lately, CCB’s 95533 Customer Service Centre once again won an enterprise service award for its quality service. In the "China Customer Care Benchmark Enterprise 2007” assessment programme, it was the only bank in the banking industry winning the China Customer Care Benchmark Enterprise Award 2007.

The assessment programme for "China Customer Care Benchmark Enterprise 2007” was one of the series of activities of the (third) China Customer Care Conference 2007 and is the most prestigious assessment programme in the field of customer relation management in China. The programme this year aims at selecting customer care benchmark enterprises in various sectors including banking, insurance, transportation and logistics, Internet, electronics and communications, etc.  Under the banking category, the assessment panel are of the opinion that, by adopting internationally advanced management measures, by orientating towards customers, by listening to customers and by developing efficient and intensive operating systems, CCB’s 95533 customer service represents the highest service standard and quality and serves as an example for emulation in the industry.

CCB has always been striving to instil a “customer-focussed" concept in its operations and focuses much in raising the quality and standards of its 95533 customer service.  While committed to quicken the pace of product innovation, enrich functions and expand the applications of 95533, CCB also attaches a great deal of importance to fostering customer care, collecting customer opinion and continuing to reengineer processes and improve services to effectively increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In future, CCB will aim at establishing a customer service centre which is “Number 1 in China and World-class internationally” by continuously improving its products and services in order to provide the multitude of its customers with better and more efficient financial services.

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