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CCBNL cookie協議

發佈時間: 2022-06-30

  1. Statement

China Construction Bank Europe SA (“CCBEU”) is committed to delivering the best possible service to you and we wish to maintain the confidence that you place in our organization. We would like to provide you with clear information about how we use cookies and other similar technology on our websites. This policy provides clear information about CCBEU uses cookies and other similar technology on its websites.

The word "computers", when used in this policy, refers to computers, smartphones, tablets and all other devices used for accessing the internet.CCBEU does not allow third party cookies on its website and limits cookies to technical cookies which are only operative during the session and do not transmit of collect any further data.

CCBEU does not perform profiling or of install cookies which will allow after session actions or future session settings.

Please take a few moments to read this Cookies Policy.


  1. Cookies Policy

CCBEU pays close attention to your expectations and seeks to earn your trust. For that reason we want to provide you with clear information about our policy on sending cookies from this website to your computer, insofar as your personal information is concerned.


  1. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text, image or software files that are placed and stored on your computer, smartphone or any other Internet-enabled device (hereafter referred to collectively as a computer) when you visit a website. Cookies are very useful because they allow a website to recognise you, log your movements from page to page, and thus provide an additional service to enhance your user experience. This consists

in improving your browsing comfort, providing a secure connection and tailoring page content to your interests.The information contained in cookies is stored for a limited period of time. It relates to your page visits, any advertisements you may have clicked on, the type of browser you are using, your IP address and the

information you have provided to the site (this avoids having to re-enter your data).






要查看我們使用的cookie,管理和禁用它們以及獲取有關第三方cookie的更多資訊,請通過單擊“ Cookies 政策”訪問我們的專用頁面。 否則,如果您同意使用cookie,請單擊“接受cookies”。
