Malaysia Subsidiary
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Notice: Revised Cut-off Time and New Add-on Currencies for Remittances Payment via E-banking Platform

Published time: 2020-05-19

Dear Valued Customers,

We are pleased to inform you that with effect from 29th April 2020 the Cut-Off Time for “Payment to a Global Bank” has been extended from 12pm to 3pm for USD, CNY and EUR (which will be valued on the same day) whilst for AUD, SGD and HKD, the value date for such transactions will be the next business day.

In addition, with effect from 29th April 2020, EUR, AUD, SGD and HKD are also available for “Payment to a Global Bank”.

According to BNM Foreign Exchange Notices, Foreign Currency Payment to third parties needs to be supported by the required supporting documents. Kindly provide supporting documents for all “Payment to Global Bank” transactions latest by 3pm on the same day such transactions are initiated to for processing. In the event that the required supporting documents are provided after the Cut-Off Time, such transactions will be processed on the next business day.

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