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Anti-Corruption Statement

Published time: 2020-06-05

China Construction Bank (Malaysia) Berhad (“CCBM”) is committed to conducting its business activities in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations that prohibit bribery and corruption.  This prohibition against bribery and corruption is a cornerstone of CCBM’s commitment to conducting business in an ethical manner, which is one of CCBM’s core values.  In support of its commitment to conducting business with integrity, CCBM expects all its employees and business partners to abide by the anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices and standards that CCBM has put in place.


CCBM’s anti-corruption practices and policies are made in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Amendment) Act 2018.


CCBM’s anti-corruption practices and policies apply to all internal and external parties that CCBM has contract with such as:

Internal Parties which cover all employees and directors of CCBM (whether full-time, part-time, on contract or temporary basis); and

External Parties which cover consultants, advisors, contractors, trainees, seconded staffs, volunteers, interns, agents, sponsors, suppliers, vendors, customers, any third party and any other person associated (directly or indirectly) with CCBM.


CCBM’s anti-corruption practices and policies has also incorporated all the following five (5) principles of Adequate Procedures (T.R.U.S.T) as prescribed by the Prime Minister’s Department in the Guidelines on Adequate Procedures:  
T - Top Level Commitment
R - Risk Assessment
U - Undertake Control Measures
S - Systematic Review, Monitoring and Enforcement
T - Training and Communication


All employees are responsible for their own compliance and must ensure that they adhere to CCBM’s anti-corruption practices and policy.  In order to protect CCBM’s reputation, it is vital that all employees understand their obligations under such practices and policies and strictly comply with it at all times.

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